renders - XR - bits - snap - panels - SEEDCAT - dial AR - mobile AR - unity - speedruns
open RC - sme workspace - xr notecard
💾 svelte mockup of cs coaching toolkit broken out into individual images served through an nginx static file server api
💾 when life gives you lemons
💾 Doodling on a regular model of a BIG block and maybe some exhaust pipes?
💾 Doodling on a regular size model of a dorito spinner
💾 Doodling on a TINY model of a BIG makerspace
💾 Doodling on a BIG tiny truck
💾 Doodling on a tiny truck
💾 Demo of Speedrun (18:20) MX ink+passthrough+XRI UI% - created with new mxink project
💾 Timelapse of Speedrun (18:20) MX ink+passthrough+XRI UI% - created with new mxink project
💾 Addition of the ruler functionality
💾 Speed implementation of MX ink + passthrough (meta openxr) + XRI starter UI with controls for scale of object and scale of points. this demo also has anchored annotations
💾 Speed implementation of MX ink + passthrough (meta openxr) + XRI starter UI
💾 Rendering point clouds of transmission and rotor assembly in a Meta Quest 3 running in passthrough mode with a Logitech MX Ink Pen with annotations enabled
💾 Rendering point cloud in a Meta Quest 3 running in passthrough mode with a Logitech MX Ink Pen with annotations enabled
💾 Timelapse speedrun of developing the NASA CGI Moon assets in a meta quest vr application
💾 NASA CGI Moon assets in a meta quest vr speedrun
💾 AutoSplat Demo from CSP scans
💾 Dog Notes.
💾 Daynotes integration for Writing on digital paper and baking it out onto a digital sheet. Daynotes is a browser based note taking system. Using an MX Ink and the template drawing project sending webrequests to a falcon backend.
💾 Writing on digital paper and baking it out onto a digital sheet as well as an upload to server. Using an MX Ink and the template drawing project sending webrequests to a falcon backend.
💾 Passthrough enabled stylus writing using a phone as a backing surface. rebuilding Logitech's drawing project with upgrades across packages and input system action sets. uses meta SDK.
💾 Speedrun quest 3 demo application using bare minimum steps to demonstrate the drop-in nature of the pen controller. 11 minutes
💾 Simple drawing using the demo unity project for the MX Ink stylus
💾 SME Workspace demonstration using the mobile workstation and orin. example of sewing machine expert describing operation of machine. capture and playback on both headset and workstation shown
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💾 xxx.
💾 xxx.